Sunday, September 29, 2013

A Top Ten List

Sometimes I have to pinch myself just to see if this really is my life.  Did God really give me two gorgeous children who make me laugh and a husband I fall in love with more everyday?  Today was one of those beautiful fall days in Virginia that I love.  So much has happened in our lives that I figured why not make a top ten list of things that have made the past few months awesome and full of change.
1.  The 2012-2013 school year came to an end.  It was a year of adorable school babies and relationships built to last a life time at a school that is home away from home.  Little did I know the tears we shed together as we said goodbye on the last day of school would have an even deeper meaning.
2.  My husband got a new job in the same county where I teach.  Bring on the discounted family health care plan!  I am so proud of him and the way he strives to provide for our family.  We both turned 29 this summer and are looking at our last year in our 20s with excitement.  We think if our 20s were this great, then we can't wait to see what will happen in our 30s!
3.  I got to stay at home with my two babes all summer long.  We had so much fun together.  Yes, my type A personality came out and we did have themed weeks and days.  What's wrong with a Super Hero week?  That was my favorite of all the weeks.  When asked who the most powerful super hero there is, my five year old replies, "God."  Sigh.  Love.  Our theme days during these theme weeks were:  Make something Monday, Time to Read Tuesday, What's Cookin' Wednesday, Thoughtful Thursday, and Fun Friday!  I did some tutoring on Tuesdays and Thursdays while the kids were at preschool or daycare, which was also awesome.
4.  We went on our first beach vacation on our own.  Vacationing with two children, especially a one year old, is not as relaxing as one might think.  We were at Duck Donuts by 7:00 and this was after I had already fit a run in.  Mama and Daddy were quite relieved when nap time rolled around each day, which just meant hanging out at the house watching Good Luck Charlie, waiting for the kids to wake up and head back to the beach.
5.  My days as a classroom teacher came to an end as I was offered the Reading Specialist position at another school in our county.  This decision was heart wrenching, rewarding, scary, and promising all rolled into one.  I stood in my principal's office crying as we discussed my upcoming interview.  Just thinking about the potential for change and possibility of a new job that would bring about leaving the classroom, was daunting and unsettling.  Little did I know how God was working out his ultimate plan for me.
6.  My big sis and brother-in-law moved back to Richmond from San Diego.  And sometime in February we will get to meet our niece or nephew!  It has been so wonderful to just be able to pick up the phone to call them and be in the same time zone! 
7.  My sister-in-law and brother-in-law blessed us with another nephew!  He is a sweetie and Tessa cannot believe she has so many cousins now!  Granted it's only two, but she still gets overwhelmed at the thought, especially since my sister is expecting now.
8.  Speaking of Tessa, she turned five.  Sigh.  We are waiting to send her to kindergarten because of her September birthday.  I am so glad we did because I don't know if I was ready for any more change!  She is getting to be so independent and growing out of her princess stage.  Where last year she only wore leggings and skirts to school, this year she's leaning more towards the tomboy side and rarely wears dresses or skirts.  I am holding onto so many moments before she heads off to school next year:  The way she brings me a flower every day when we get home even if it's a dandelion, how she loves our "secret" book time of reading a chapter book before bed, how she loves her little brother and "mothers" him in everything he does, and how she sometimes just wants to snuggle with me on the couch.  She also started her first season playing soccer, which just warms our hearts and we are thrilled to be soccer parents.  I'm even the team mom! 
9.  Dempsey is getting 6 teeth.  The poor child will be toothless when he starts to lose teeth in elementary school.  It was a long summer of a lot of sleepless nghts due to these teeth.  We thought we were out of the woods after a molar finally poked through, but lo and behold three other molars are now coming in plus the two canines up top.  Some sleepless nights are in our future.  He is our wild child with the sweetest smile and hugs.
10.  My mom and dad are all moved into their condo and have been able to sell their old house and the river property.  It was bittersweet, but we know that simple is better!  My dad is a walking miracle and my mom is a rock.  When I look at them, I think of them as God's Warriors because with all that they have been through, God must really think they are strong people who can handle a lot and be an example to others. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, looks like it's been a busy summer! The kids are getting so big and are adorable, as usual. I had no idea your hubby got a new job, too. Now it's just time to move in the county! Seriously, Steven's dad is a great real estate agent if/when you decide it's time and need someone.
